Iron Staircase Care Guide

Iron Staircase Care Guide

Iron staircases are outstanding for their strength and durability. But keeping them in good condition is important. They need certain care so that they look in perfect condition and do not deteriorate over time. And the main enemy of iron is moisture. The humid environment makes the iron more susceptible to rust, so we must protect it from it. Today we bring you our Iron Staircase Care Guide.

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Iron Staircase Care Guide: Cleaning iron

Besides avoiding moisture in the iron, it is important to keep good hygiene. As the owner, you should clean it regularly so that dust and bacteria do not accumulate. Regular cleaning of the staircase keeps the stairs in perfect condition. It’s better that we clean it often, avoiding having to “whip” clean it if we’re not careful. Regular cleaning will prevent the iron ladder from degrading. Use a soft cloth or sponge barely moistened with a solution of water and a little neutral soap or rubbing alcohol.

Deep cleaning

If we are not careful and observe that the stairs have traces of rust, the cleaning needs to be more thorough. In this case, we have to remove these layers of rust. So, we can use a metal bristle brush or sandpaper and rub it on the stain.

iron staircase attention guide

Maintenance of iron

If placing outdoor iron, it will be more exposed to weather conditions. Sun and rain will affect it. To protect the iron at the exterior, you should perform maintenance every few years. Including deep cleaning and fresh painting with varnish or protective enamel. But before renewing the polish or varnishing the stairs. We must remove the existing paint that has deteriorated.

Iron combined with other materials

Wrought Iron offers endless possibilities. The contractors can place it in any space, whether outdoors or indoors. They have very good bearing capacity and will help us bring elegance and rusticity to the house.

A great innovative idea is to combine them with other materials like wood, stainless steel or PVC. They are perfect choices to get stairs with personality and great design and quality.