Assembled vs Stick-Built Fences

Assembled vs Stick-Built Fences

When it comes to DIY fencing, which is something that people are doing more and more as the days go by, there are two ways to go about it. You can either choose an assembled fence or a stick-built one. Both have their own benefits and it is good that you know the differences between the two. For that, today we tell you all about assembled vs stick-built fences. Remember that whichever you choose, needs to depend on your property and what you have. Always evaluate your needs, and the place you live, don’t forget your fence etiquette, and get ready to install.


This type of fence is amazing for those who want privacy. Most fences that come assembled already have the panels put and you don’t need to do anything else. This is perfect for homeowners and people who already know what their property lines are. They make some great fences for landscaping too, so that’s a plus. Yet, the customizable part might be less than in other cases. Since the panels are already set, you won’t be able to move them around too much or modify them depending on your preferences. So, think twice when considering assembled vs stick-built fences.


These fences are for those DIYers that want to do the whole process. Stick-built fences are great for any type of home or business but they shine in the latter. Since you are able to move things around and limit where the posts will be, this is great. These fences are perfect for open spaces where you require to move things around to make space for the fence. Either a steep hill or an uneven land will benefit from these fences. And now that you know, it’s up to you to choose. And as always, remember to contact us with any questions you have about fence installation.

stick vs assembled built fences
assembled vs stick built fences