Commercial Rooftop Guardrails for Safety

Commercial Rooftop Guardrails for Safety

You cannot take safety for granted. Rooftop guardrails are just a critical form of fall prevention and a must for your business establishment. This is why many Chicago Fence Companies provide roofing materials for safety. So, here are Commercial Roofing Materials: Rooftop Guardrails for Safety.

Roofing materials don't rust

You don’t want to wonder if the railing will hold your weight if you fall. The railing tube is galvanized inside and out. The tube is up to 4-times more corrosion resistant than other types of galvanizing and designed to outlast welded railing. So, the forming of corrosion on the pipes slows down and protects your bottom line.

They can perfectly match your roof

With modular components, you can design your guardrail to fit your style. They follow the roof pattern and move around obstacles smoothly. Also, they can integrate into other types and styles of railing.

In addition, angled fittings are available to project the railing away from the edge. An inline or offset railing design can reduce or eliminate visibility from below.

So, there are several designs for base fittings. These allow you to mount to the inside or top of the parapet or even the exterior face of your business establishment.

The installation does not take that long

You will need the basic tools and labor. Of course, you could buy roof guardrails in Chicago and hire the company to do it for you. Just don’t forget that each pipe-to-fitting connection is fastened with a simple set-screw.

Lastly you must ensure certain things about the roofing materials

Typical lead times are 1-2 weeks but can be rushed to meet specific project deadlines.

The top rail is 42″ tall from the walking surface.

The middle rail is halfway between the top rail and the walking surface.

The rail is able to withstand a 200 lb. force in a downward or outward direction.

Commercial Rooftop Guardrails for Safety Chicago Il

Book your Fence Guardrail Installation today!