Neighbor-Friendly Privacy Fences

We all want privacy in this life. It is a right and something we can have any time we want. There are a lot of things that can help us get privacy and one of them is a fence. Privacy fences are something that people always look for as soon as they move to a new place. Yet, it is also important to know that these fences have to be well-built and not too invasive. That is why today we want to talk about neighbor-friendly privacy fences. Read on to learn how to get one installed without bothering your neighbors.

Make sure you know the property lines

If there is one thing that can get you in trouble when installing a fence is not knowing the property lines. As we’ve said before, it is good to check the county’s office for all the property’s lines. Not knowing them is a common fence installation mistake, yet, it is one you can avoid. So, always make sure to know where your property starts and ends, this way you won’t have any issues with your neighbors. Also, doing this is common fence etiquette, so you better start practicing it before installing the fence.

Let your neighbors know

If there is one thing that goes a long way is communication. Telling everything to your neighbors is a great thing to do before installing anything. There are some neighbors that might not want neighbor-friendly privacy fences but that’s where your job starts. You need to convince your neighbors by letting them see about the mutual benefits the fence will bring. It can be a bit hard but it isn’t impossible. You can also take the fence contractors with you to explain things better. But, if you’re doing a DIY fencing project you need to get on your neighbor’s good side.