Where should home security cameras be positioned?

security cameras positions

If you decide to set up surveillance cameras for your home, the first thing you should do is to distinguish the strengths of the home. You should consider the size of the spaces to know where to install home security cameras. So, Where should home security cameras be positioned?

How many security cameras do I need? Where should home security cameras be positioned? are the right questions

Identify the essential areas that need protection so you can calculate the minimum number of security cameras you need to keep an eye on your home.

Which recording system should we use: DVR or NVR?

NVR systems tend to have better image quality, easier installation, greater flexibility and the ability to record audio on all cameras. But NVR systems cost more than DVR systems.

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The NVR and DVR systems are in charge of making the video recording that comes to them from the video surveillance cameras. The main difference between the two systems lies in how you process the video data.

The NVR systems encode and process the video data in the camera and then stream it to the NVR recorder. This is for storage and remote viewing.

In DVR systems, the cameras are “silly.” And you process the video with the recorder, which also has the functions of storage and remote viewing.

Because DVRs and NVRs handle video data differently, they also require different types of cameras.

Where should home security cameras be positioned?

If you decide to place a camera on the outside of the house, it should be at a height that makes it difficult for intruders to manipulate. For example, windows on the first floor that don’t face the street and the back door of your house are the favorite targets of thieves. So you must secure those entry points.

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Avoid attracting the attention of a thief. Areas that have objects of value or importance deserve a back-up security camera.

In the corners to cover the widest possible angle. In places that allow seeing the main accesses of the house, both doors, and windows.

A good trick is to combine visible cameras with hidden cameras. In this way, we can cover the blind spots without the thief being aware.

It would also be optimal to have good night cameras for low-light hours.

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Where not to put security cameras at home?

If we have security systems such as anti-theft smoke and security fog, it is preferable not to install cameras in those rooms. On the other hand, we will place the cameras at the entrances to those rooms and in the immediate vicinity. It is also essential to know that we will never put false cameras. If the thief becomes aware of this, he can use it to his advantage and commit the theft without problems.

In addition, if we want a really effective security system, the best option is to connect the camera to an alarm and have, in turn, a connection to the Central Alarm Receiver. In this way, we can benefit from great advantages such as verification or immediate reaction.

Follow these recommendations to avoid theft or ask for the help of an expert in security matters.