Which Fence Material Lasts The Longest In Chicago Weather?

Maintaining fences is not an arduous task, but when the weather is not ideal it can become more tedious so today we present to you Which Fence Material Lasts The Longest In Chicago Weather?

Chicago is naturally a cold place, so the weather doesn’t usually change much. It is also known as the windy city. Its summers are hot, humid and muggy. Winters are cold, snowy, windy and cloudy all year round. Temperatures fluctuate between -6 °C and 28 °C throughout the year, and rarely fall below -15 °C or exceed 33 °C.

Best fences for cold weather

From a purely structural point of view, metal is the material of choice for cold weather fencing.The molecular structure of metal does not absorb water, so it does not expand or contract when exposed to moisture. That’s not to say that water can’t penetrate a metal fence, or that the metal won’t shrink.However, water doesn’t saturate the metal the way wood does.

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Wooden fences with metal posts

They  have wooden slats and have the same problems like water absorption as the average wooden fence. However, because they are not supported by wooden posts, these fence structures are stronger and last longer. A wooden fence with metal posts should last at least several winters.

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Steel Fences

They are make completely out of steel, with steel rails, posts and poles. These are the fences people think of when they think of wrought iron fences. No part of a steel fence can absorb water, but water can accumulate around the joints and hardware. It is very rare for expansion or contraction problems to affect these fittings, but they can occur. Steel fences often have spaced slats that allow strong winds to pass through, making them suitable for windy areas such as the Great Plains and the Great Plains.

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Aluminum fences

Aluminum fences share many of the characteristics of steel fences. They are also manufactured with a “wrought iron” appearance. However, these fences are much lighter than steel fences and easier to install. Nevertheless, their strength is lower. Aluminum fences are more prone to denting and bending than steel fences, depending on the quality of the fence. A more significant problem in winter is galvanic corrosion, where a high-salinity environment (such as near salt-damaged roads in winter) causes steel hardware and aluminum fencing to react and corrode the aluminum.

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Fences that withstand several winters

Wood, vinyl and aluminum fences have problems in colder climates, so steel is often the best choice to withstand every winter. However, steel needs more than just a thin coat of paint to achieve this, not all steel fences are the same. There are several types of coatings that keep steel from rusting.

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Most steels used outdoors are pre-galvanized directly at the steel mill. This coating is a thin layer of zinc applied to the base metal. An example of this is metal fence posts. This pre-galvanized coating protects the metal from rust-causing moisture, but it is very thin and can be easily scratched off.

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Hot-Dipped Galvanization

This step includes the addition of a zinc post coating. After assembly, the entire part is subsequently dipped in molten zinc and coated. This type of galvanizing is much thicker and lasts longer than the pre-galvanizing that is usually applied directly from the factory. It is the industry standard for small parts such as outdoor screws and bolts. It is a sacrificial coating and as long as the zinc remains on the steel, it will corrode instead of the steel.

Which railing system lasts the longest

Electrophoretic deposition

Also known as E-Coat, it is an alternative to hot dip galvanizing using a non-metallic coating. These particles are strongly attracted to the metal due to this opposing charge and form a thin, uniform layer on the metal. E-coatings produce a smooth, highly durable and moisture-resistant sacrificial layer that can be powder-coated or painted without the risk of galvanic corrosion. For this reason, the automotive industry uses this anti-corrosion method on the underbody of cars. The E-Coated coating is ideal for coastal areas because it is desigend to protect against road salt and other corrosives.

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Did You Find These Which Fence Material Lasts The Longest In Chicago Weather Helpful?

As for the question “Which fence material lasts the longest in Chicago?”, fences will always be the best choice in terms of security, due to their ample protection capabilities, plus they highlight the house with a unique touch as they can be custom made. Depending on the area of Chicago, IL you live in we might recommend one or the other. Our Chicago fence company is all about giving you the best content on this topic and many more, we hope this article has been useful to you and we encourage you to read the following related articles.